Category: Personal
Heart Beat
Today I heard my child’s heart beat for the first time. It’s strong ! Here is a recording (mp3, 357kb)
Another blast from the past
Here is the second, more ambitious, Super 8 we made in 1984. Just a few months after the first one. We named it ” Te Deum”. (15min)
Blast from the past
I just received a DVD from my old friend Milan. It’s an amateur 8mm movie we made in Belgrade in 1984. I was 20 at that time. (4min)
My Wedding Photos
Wedding Stress
I went crazy today with all the running and preparations. Hotel lost reservations for the guests who are coming from out of town and almost all rooms were booked. Fortunately all went well at the end.
Slow Reading
I am a slow reader. I measured my speed. I read 50-60 pages an hour. That’s around or below American average.
My biggest problem is vocalization. It’s very hard for me to stop trying to pronounce words as I read them. If I can have a visual picture of the subject, it’s a little bit easier but not always possible.
Getting Married
Did I mention I am getting married ?
This is my love Laurie. She is wonderful.
I was feeling a little stunned at first but now I am feeling quite relaxed about it. I think our life is going to be good.
I hate traditional ceremonies, but we still need to invite our families. So we came to a compromise. We’ll have a pirate wedding on a sailboat ! I already reserved my costume at Costumes On Haight.